Keynote Speaker & Conference Workshops
Do you need a keynote speaker or breakout session leader
for your gathering or conference? We can help! Here are some
possible topics:
Coaching For Performance
Getting Better Everyday
Are you looking for proven ways to improve your staff
performance? Have you thought about the Coaching Approach?
Coaching is a proven technique that turns poorly performing employees
into superstars! Learn how to coach your staff, how to
train you staff to coach each other and how to apply the practical
aspects of this important human improvement tool to your organization's
Resolving Organizational
Moving Beyond Pointing Fingers
Is your organization facing conflict from external or
internal sources? Is this preventing your organization from
achieving its goals. Are your managers spending more time "putting
out fires" that have flared up between co-workers, whole departments or
each other? Conflict is not necessary a negative force. Channeled
correctly conflict can be used as a took for positive organizational
and individual change. This interesting program will teach the
members of your organization the goals of conflict resolution, common
conflict resolution skills and tools and the benefits of third
party mediation.
Building Effective Teams
Teach the Team to Build Itself and You Transform Your Organization
What makes a good organization even better? What
can transform poor performance into dynamic energy? Teamwork!
Good teamwork is an essential component of successful workplaces. Learn
why a well-structured teamwork can be a major force in improving
workplace production and cooperation. Hear how to organize successful
teams, the stages all teams go through and how to build powerful and
very productive teams.
Building the Ethical
Why Ethics Matter in Performance
Everywhere we turn we are presented with stories of
unethical behavior on an individual and organizational level. And
yet time and time again we see examples of ethical organizations
excelling. This timely and informative program will demonstrate
why ethics matter, will expose common ethical problems within the
workplace and tactics for preventing conflicts of interest. Participants
will be given practical, hands on assistance for developing their own
organizational ethics code.
Have a topic you don't see here? Interested in
more information about keynote speaking, seminar facilitation or
breakout session leadership? Contact us today!
RGB Consulting
PO Box
174 Lebanon NJ, 08833
[email protected]