RGB Consulting - In Person Seminars

Who We Are



Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.
Peter F. Drucker

Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.
George S. Patton

I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?
Benjamin Disraeli

RGB Consulting - Consulting Services

Consulting Services

RGB Consulting LLC is ready to provide the following services to private, public, non-profits and community based organizations.  

Strategic Planning
Strategic planning will place your organization on the long path from where things are now to where you hope they will be. You organization's work can be greatly enhanced by a clear vision, a mission statement, objectives, strategies, and an action plan.  RGB Consulting LLC can assist your organization with the development a strategic plan.

Evaluating Initiatives
How do you know that your organization, your team or your employee's initiatives and programs are working? Are they effective in meeting  goals and objectives.  If not, what can be done make them better? Evaluating specific programs or initiatives can help you see if the  organization is meeting its goals, and make necessary adjustments. The evaluation process permits feedback to improve effectiveness and encourages accountability.  RGB Consulting LLC can help you develop a framework for evaluation organizational, team and individual initiatives.

Assessing Needs & Resources
Understanding your organization, and the teams and individuals it is made of, enables an effective identification of needs and resources.   In order to assess your organization and create a organizational profile, we need to discover what issues are most important to address, and what resources are available to bring about change. By using proven assessment techniques,  interviewing organization members, conducting listening sessions and group forums RGB Consulting LLC can develop an assessment (or profile) of your organization that helps identify critical issues and plan future interventions.

Improving Organizational Management
Without good managers, organizations drift into compliancy and ineffectiveness.  Supervisor, administrators and department heads must be skilled in understanding the core functions of leadership and management.  RGB Consulting LLC is ready to show your managers how to build relationships, influence employees and peers, provide supervision, support, give direction and lead.

Framework for Change
A framework or model of change maps out how your organization plans on getting from its present conditions to your vision of success. It provides a guide for planning, implementing, and evaluating your initiative or effort. It is a visual picture of how to bring about changes in your organization in order to accomplish an identified goals. RGB Consulting LLC can show you how to build a framework of change for your organization's vision of success.

Developing an Intervention Plan
Often there is a need to address an issue or problem in your organization. While the vision you have for your organization may be clear enough, the means of getting from here to there may not. How does one intervene in an organization in order to bring about directed change? Interventions focus on people's behaviors and the environmental factors that influence and affect those behaviors. An intervention may consist of any combination of new programs, changes in policy, or implementation of alternative practices, but it will always create an environment that makes it easier and more rewarding for people to change their behavior. RGB Consulting LLC can help you provide a framework  for developing organizational intervention.

Policy Development
Sometimes the best way to address a problem or issue is to develop and implement a new (or better) policy. To affect an organizational policy change, the issue must be brought to key decision makers' attention, new policies adopted and then put into practice. Finally the results must be evaluated to see if the policy made a difference. RGB Consulting LLC can help you develop policies that will empower your organization to meet its goals.

RGB Consulting LLC

PO Box 174 Lebanon NJ, 08833

Phone:  908-638-5908

Fax: 908-638-5907

[email protected]